Electronic Tender Management System
About JustProcure™

About JustProcure™
A web-based tender management system that allows municipalities and public sector institutions to publicize tenders, receive bids, evaluate and award tenders on a secure and easy to use platform. JustProcure allows:
- Supply chain teams to create and publish tenders (RFXs), receive tender submissions from bidders, evaluate and award tenders online.
- Suppliers to register on the system and to RSVP to online or on-site briefings and to submit bids online.
- Bid Evaluation Commitee (BEC) and Bid Adjudication Commitee (BAC) to evaluate and adjudicate on tender submissions.
JustProcure™ Features
Eliminate manual work and streamline your procurement and tendering process while saving time and money, and focus on what matters. JustProcure features include:
- Create and publish tenders (i.e. RFP, RFQ, RFI)
- Receive tender responses from bidders
- Evaluate tender submissions
- Consolidate evaluation scores and results
- Award tender and send automated regrets
- Report, analyse and audit

Technologies Used
We utilised cutting-edge technologies, industry-leading processes while not compromising on quality, security and ease-of-use. JustProcure was developed using the Microsoft Technology stack:
- .NET Core
- SQL Server Database
- HTML5, CSS and Javascript
- Azure Cloud Solutions
Public and Private sector institutions can use JustProcure™ to streamline their tendering processes, eliminate manual paper-based work, while not compromising on security and regulatory obligations. Below industries can benefit from JustProcure:
- Municipalities
- Government Departments (Metros, Provincial and National)
- State-Owned Entities
- Mining

Reporting & Analytics
- 3 types of reports, i.e. Visual, Customisable & Exportable
- Integrate with your Reporting tool, such as PowerBI, etc.
- Actiity and Audit Reports.